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Statement by Mr. Mondo Yamamoto
Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Agenda Item 136: Improving the financial situation of the United Nations
Main Part of the Sixty-Sixth Session
United Nations General Assembly
20 October 2011
Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I would like to thank Ms. Angela Kane, Under-Secretary-General for Management, for providing a comprehensive overview of the matter before us. And now I wish to briefly outline my delegation’s views on the issue.
It is the responsibility of every Member State to pay its assessment, in full and in a timely manner, pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations. The Government of Japan has faithfully fulfilled its obligation. Japan’s determination to play an active role in maintaining international peace and prosperity remains unchanged and Japan will faithfully implement its international commitments.
Mr. Chairman,
We were pleased to hear from the Under-Secretary-General that the cash positions for all funds were projected to be positive at the end of the year. We also note with appreciation that we can see a significant improvement in levels of debt to Member States as well as an increase of the number of Member States meeting their obligations. These improvements can be attributed to the increased effort on the part of Member States to meet their obligations under the Charter with payments that are on time and in full, despite the severe financial circumstances in which virtually all continue to find themselves at present.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan would like to reiterate its request to the Secretariat that it utilize the resources contributed by Member States efficiently and effectively when it implements mandates from the legislative bodies of the Organization. At the same time, Japan would also like to call upon the Secretariat to seek further efficiency, taking into account the domestic efforts of each Member State. In this connection, my delegation would like to stress that the General Assembly should scrutinize the Secretary-General’s proposals with a view to setting a realistic level of resources necessary to implement given mandates.
Finally, I would like to assure you, Mr. Chairman that my delegation continues to actively engage in the discussions at the Main Part session in order to reach a consensus among Member States based on sufficient explanation by the Secretariat on the proposed budgets.
Thank you for your attention, Mr. Chairman.