

Statement by H.E. Mr. Jun Yamazaki

Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Japan

Panel Discussion on the Implementation of Human Security

High-level Event on Human Security

8 May 2013



Mr. Chair


            At the outset, I would to express my Government’s deep gratitude for all the hard work put in by the Human Security Unit of OCHA to realize this event. We especially welcome Mrs. Ogata, the former co-chair of the Commission on Human Security, who is with us here today. Today is truly a great opportunity for us to hear from all the key players gathered together and benefit from the shared knowledge, achievements and challenges of the activities on human security. Japan feels honoured to co-sponsor this event.


GA Resolution 66/290, which was adopted last September by consensus, provides a common understanding on the notion of human security. My delegation believes it is an excellent basis for the implementation of human security in the activities of the United Nations, the Member States, and regional and international organizations.


The remarks made by the panellists today contain valuable views and information. My delegation highly values both the good practices and the lessons learned from challenges encountered at various levels in the effort to promote human security. It is also encouraging to see that the independent rapid assessment has highlighted and underpinned the added value and impact of the human security approach on the ground.


Of course, it is crucial that the added value of human security is well understood and disseminated throughout not only the Member States but also the various UN agencies. One way to do this is to incorporate human security at the strategic level of these organizations, such as in their strategic plans and annual reports. Initiatives by Member States and the leadership of the Secretary-General and the heads of agencies are also essential for mainstreaming human security throughout the UN system.


The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) has been an invaluable tool for the implementation of human security and for its dissemination throughout the UN system. The strength of the UNTFHS is that it mobilizes multiple UN agencies to implement projects. The wisdom and knowledge of each implementing agency are incorporated and utilized in a comprehensive approach to cope with cross-cutting and widespread issues. In this regard, UNTFHS projects have built-in mechanisms to enhance operational effectiveness and “delivering as one”.


Japan hopes that the activities of the UNTFHS will be further enhanced through contributions from as many Member States as possible. The Government of Japan has submitted to the Diet, our national parliament, a proposed contribution of approximately USD 10.1 million to this Fund. My delegation would like to invite other Member States to make voluntary contributions to the Fund as well.


           The benefits of incorporating human security into international cooperation activities can also be shared at other occasions. For example, the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) to be held in Japan from 1 to 3 June is an excellent opportunity to deepen the understanding on human security. TICAD is co-organized by the Government of Japan, the African Union Commission (AUC), the UN, UNDP and the World Bank. The TICAD process deals with the persistent challenges which remain in African countries to developing robust and sustainable economies. In this regard, TICAD will be working to lay a solid foundation for the promotion of human security.


Mr. Chair


My delegation strongly hopes that today’s event marks a firm step forward in our shared efforts to further promote human security on the ground.


Thank you very much.


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