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Statement by Mr. Hiroshi Onuma
First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
On agenda item 135: Programme Planning
Main Session of the Seventieth Session
of the United Nations General Assembly
9 October 2015
Thank you, Mr. Chairman,
My delegation commends the Member States of the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) for the fruitful discussions they held during the fifty-fifth session of the CPC in June on the programmes of the proposed strategic framework for the period 2016-2017 to be amended, the evaluations by the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) and other coordination questions. We also appreciate the tireless efforts made by the Member States as well as the Chair, the bureau and the Secretariat of the CPC during the aforementioned session in order to conclude the negotiations on all agenda items and adopt the report of the CPC, contained in document A/70/16.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan reiterates the significant role the CPC plays in the process of drawing up the regular budget of the United Nations, and we will continue to actively participate in the deliberations of the CPC. My delegation believes that we should consider strengthening the role and functions of the CPC in order to seek further efficiencies and cost-effectiveness in the regular budget process. On this point, we consider it important that the CPC be given the role and function of identifying areas of overlap or duplication as well as functions which have become obsolete throughout the UN system.
Mr. Chairman,
As has happened in preceding years, again this year, because of a conflict between the respective schedules of the CPC and the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee, the latter of which was extended until the 24th of June, several Member States as well as the Secretariat faced significant difficulties in addressing the two sessions simultaneously. My delegation deems it important that both the Member States and the Secretariat continue to make further and greater efforts to avoid, or minimize to the greatest extent possible, any potential overlap between these two important functions.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan is ready to engage constructively in discussions on this agenda item in order to reach a positive outcome, reviewing the report of the CPC as well as other relevant Secretary-General’s reports from the fresh viewpoint of the Fifth Committee.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.