


Statement by Ms. Minori Ito
Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Fifty-fifth Session of the Commission for Social Development
Item 3 (b): Review of Relevant United Nations Plans and Programmes of Action
Pertaining to the Situation of Social Groups
3 February 2017



Mr. Chairman,


          Respect for each person’s human rights is crucial to realize a peaceful and stable society. Japan has made and will continue to make vigorous and various efforts to support vulnerable people around the globe.


          Japan strongly welcomes the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To implement the Sustainable Development Goals domestically, the Japanese Government has established the SDGs Promotion Headquarters under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Abe. In December 2016, the guidelines for Japan’s implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals were approved by the Headquarters. Under these guidelines, Japan will work towards achieving a sustainable world, both in terms of domestic implementation and international cooperation.


Mr. Chairman,


          Resolving discrimination against persons with disabilities and supporting their social participation is a global challenge toward an inclusive society. To respond to such challenges, sharing knowledge and experiences among countries is important. One of the examples by Japan in this field is our “job coaching” projects. These projects are aimed to train and authorize “job coaches,” who assist persons with disabilities to accommodate themselves in their work place. Japan has conducted these projects over 10 years in various countries. In Malaysia, more than 1,000 persons have been trained to be job coaches and so far over 650 persons with disabilities have been assisted with their employment needs.


          Promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities in humanitarian crises is also vital. Based on our experiences and lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan will work to resolve issues faced by persons with disabilities in times of disaster. Under such policies, Japan signed the “Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action” at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016. Japan will seize the opportunity of hosting the 2020 Paralympics to further strengthen our efforts to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and to achieve an inclusive society.


Mr. Chairman,


          Japan is one of the most aged countries in the world. We recognize the importance of realizing a society where older persons are empowered and secured safety. One example of Japan’s national efforts in this area is to increase employment opportunities for older persons. An amendment to our “Law concerning the stabilization of employment of older persons” came into force in 2013. This amendment requires companies to secure employment to those who wish to work until the age of 65.


          Japan has also shared our experiences and knowledge with other countries in this field, particularly those in the Asia-Pacific region. Our country is committed toward the promotion and protection of the rights of older persons through international cooperation.


          In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, Japan will continue to work actively toward the realization of an inclusive society with regard to social groups including persons with disabilities, youth and older persons.


Thank you.


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