


(As delivered)

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Koro Bessho
Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
At the Security Council Open Debate on Non-Proliferation of WMD

28 June 2017



Thank you, Mr. President.


I would like to begin by thanking the Bolivian presidency for organizing today’s open debate. Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is a priority for Japan.


I also thank the briefers for their clear and informative briefings, and Japan aligns itself with the joint statement of the Group of Friends of resolution 1540 to be delivered later by Spain.


Japan once again welcomes the adoption of Security Council resolution 2325 in December last year.  However, we must recognize and remain vigilant against the threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction taking place now.


The threat from North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile development has reached a new level.  These activities are in blatant violation of Security Council resolutions, and represent a clear challenge to the global non-proliferation regime.  This is simply not acceptable.  Japan strongly urges North Korea to refrain from further provocations and violations, and to comply faithfully and fully with the relevant Security Council resolutions, including 2321 and 2270, as well as its other commitments.


The threat of WMD proliferation is also evident in Syria with the actual use of chemical weapons. Japan strongly condemns such acts, which is not permissible under any circumstances.


In light of these clear and present threats, it is the responsibility of every State to protect itself and its people by strengthening international and domestic non-proliferation measures. Malicious actors are misusing rapid advances in science, technology and international commerce for proliferation purposes.  Proliferation activities must be prevented whenever and wherever they are attempted.  States must be all the more vigilant as their people and entities can unwittingly become complicit in proliferation activities.


Japan strongly believes that enhancing the implementation of resolution 1540 is imperative, especially obligations related to domestic and export control.  Let me reiterate that resolution 2325 calls upon States that have not done so to start developing effective national control lists.


State capacity building is key for further implementation because proliferation can occur through the “weakest link.”  The 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts can help States strengthen their domestic non-proliferation systems by, for example, sharing expertise to formulate National Implementation Action Plans and clarifying actual assistance needs.  Facilitating direct interactions between Member States and the Committee will strongly bolster the implementation of resolution 1540.


This year, Japan disbursed one million US dollars to the Trust Fund to support the work of the 1540 Committee.  A significant portion will be used to finance these types of direct interactions.  Japan urges interested States to contact the Committee, and would also be happy to relay any message to the Committee as the coordinator of Working Group 1 for monitoring and national implementation.


In today’s security environment, we must urgently strengthen the non-proliferation regime at the global, regional and national levels. Japan will continue to actively support these endeavors.


I thank you, Mr. President.



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