



Statement by H.E. Mr. Koro Bessho

Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations

At the Security Council Briefing on Implementation

 Of the Note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507)

28 February 2017



Thank you, Mr. President.


Allow me first to congratulate you on an excellent presidency during the month of February.


Especially today, Japan welcomes the efforts of the President to make formal wrap-up sessions more meaningful. I thank the delegations who made suggestions, and would like to touch upon some of the points raised as I speak today.


Let me begin by taking up North Korea. It was significant that the Security Council, with new members in 2017, unanimously condemned the 12 February ballistic missile launch in a timely manner. In 2016 alone, North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and launched over 20 ballistic missiles, presenting an elevated level of threat. 


Such acts constitute blatant violations of the relevant Security Council resolutions, and are serious and direct threats to the international community as a whole. Japan calls upon all Member States, including the members of the Security Council, to strictly implement the relevant resolutions so that North Korea will change its course of action, commit to denuclearization, and return to dialogue.


Mr. President,


On Syria, Japan believes that the Intra-Syrian talks must contribute to improving the humanitarian situation on the ground. At the Council meeting last week, bureaucratic impediments and the security situation were raised as obstacles for humanitarian access. Japan has been urging the Syrian Government to simplify procedures, and we have received a written confirmation from the government in this regard. However, this must be implemented on the ground.


With regard to the draft resolution on Syrian chemical weapons, the Council needs to show its determination that the parties responsible will be held accountable.


Turning to South Sudan, the continuing violence and worsening humanitarian situation exacerbated by the famine are serious concerns.


The National Dialogue should be truly inclusive and widely blessed both domestically and internationally. Japan urges the South Sudanese government to take concrete actions, including on the deployment of the Regional Protection Force and unhindered access for UNMISS and humanitarian aid workers.


Japan has been making efforts to ameliorate the situation, including by dispatching our Prime Minister’s Special Envoy, to urge the South Sudanese Government on the points I have mentioned and by providing financial assistance for humanitarian purposes through UN agencies as well as IGAD.




Mr. President,


I would particularly like to express my gratitude to those delegations which showed interest in Note 507.


Discussion is underway at the Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions with a view to updating Note 507, based on the views and proposals expressed at the Open Debate on working methods last July under Japan’s presidency and on other occasions.

Thus far, the Working Group has discussed such matters as reporting cycles, wrap-up sessions and Security Council missions, and on 24 February, we discussed how we can improve the way we conduct the informal consultations of the whole. The goal is to make progress on the actual working methods of the Council.  I cannot stress enough the importance of implementation, particularly by the Permanent Representatives of the Council.


Concerning the annual report of the Security Council, Japan is working with all countries which served on the Council during the 17 month reporting period to prepare the report to the General Assembly.


Lastly, on lessons learned on the selection process for the Secretary-General. I issued a note in my personal capacity with some concrete suggestions, including on announcing the result of the Council’s consideration of the candidates in order to increase transparency. I hope that the note will be useful in 5 or 10 years.


I thank you, Mr. President. 



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