
(As delivered)
 Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Japan does not recognize illegal occupation and attempted annexation of the territory of Ukraine by Russia, nor condone the alleged conduct which is accused by International Criminal Court. Our attendance to this meeting is without prejudice to this position of Japan.  The appearance of briefers on the screen in today’s event also does not change the fact the status of the arrest warrant.
Japan upholds the rule of law and any act to discredit the ICC is unacceptable. We closely monitor with grave interest the development of the investigation.
In particular, we are appalled that Russia invited the Commissioner for Children’s rights in the office of the President of Russia to whom the ICC issued an arrest warrant for the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children, as a briefer for today’s meeting on the children who most suffered from Russia’s unprovoked aggression on Ukraine.
Mr. Chair,
We are deeply distressed about the situation of children in the war against Ukraine. It is beyond our imagination how devastating it must be for the children and families who are still separated at this moment.
We must not turn our eyes from the root cause. The safety of children in conflict-affected areas of Ukraine is in jeopardy because of Russia’s unlawful aggression against Ukraine. So-called "evacuation" of children is by no means a solution; it is a mere aggravation of the situation. What we need is the immediate "evacuation" of the Russian forces and military equipment from Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, not the children. The overwhelming majority of the Member States is clear about this as shown by the GA resolution adopted in February.
I thank you.