(As delivered)
Thank you, Mr. President. I also thank ASG Khiari for his briefing.
I must begin by expressing, once again, our condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the utterly unacceptable provocation by North Korea in violation of multiple Security Council resolutions. The latest ICBM is estimated to have impacted in the waters near Japan, just 250 km from Hokkaido.
A number of fishing vessels were out at sea and a number of aircraft were flying at the time of the launch. Once again, this irresponsible launch endangered vessels, exposed aircraft in the surrounding area to great risk, and terrified Japanese citizens.
We don’t have any words to describe this outrageous act but calling it a grave threat to peace and security in the region and beyond.
Mr. President and dear colleagues,
In previous Council meetings this year, North Korea repeatedly and recklessly tried to justify its provocative acts. However, a simple fact remains that they are undoubtedly clear violations of the relevant Security Council resolutions.
Let us squarely face what has happened.
We must not forget the fact that North Korea has continued to ignore and deny its international obligations by pursuing its military ambition at the expense of the welfare of people in North Korea while they have great unmet needs. We should not ignore North Korea’s violations and abuses of human rights including abductees from countries such as Japan and the Republic of Korea.
We shall not tolerate anymore North Korea to disrespect this Council and the United Nations Charter.
Mr. President and dear colleagues,
It is high time to stop North Korea from making false claims. Now is the time for this august body to recall our heavy responsibility and restore the unity displayed in 2017. Otherwise, the international community will not regard us as responsible Council members on whom they have entrusted the responsibility to maintain international peace and security.
Mr. President,
In a number of previous Council meetings this year and last year on the topic of Non-proliferation/DPRK, we witnessed that certain Council members expressed their views while blocking the Council from taking action. However, let us recall the fact the Security Council resolution 2397 and others were adopted unanimously in this Council.
These resolutions are not merely designed to exert pressure or to punish North Korea, but to fight against the proliferation of WMDs. Under our heavy and collective responsibility on non-proliferation that we all must value and uphold: the resolutions were adopted, they are still in force, and we have passed no resolution to override them. In short, all UN Member States, including North Korea as well as all of us in this Chamber, should fully respect and abide by the existing resolutions, no matter how different our views may be.
Mr. President,
Japan once again calls on all Member States, including each Council member here in this Chamber, to fully implement all relevant resolutions and demands that North Korea immediately and fully comply with all relevant resolutions, engage in diplomacy and resume substantive dialogue.
I thank you.