

(As delivered)
Thank you, Mr. President. I also thank ASG Khiari for his briefing.  
I must begin with our strong condemnation of yet another launch by North Korea using ballistic missile technology on 27 May, as well as its launch of ballistic missiles on 30 May at local time, all of which and other launches of missiles are flagrant violations of multiple Security Council resolutions.
Mr. President,
Let us be clear again about what we, the responsible Council members, gather today for. We gather here in this chamber for one clear purpose under our collective and heavy responsibility entrusted by all UN Member States.
It is about violations of Security Council resolutions.

This is about the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.  
This Council unanimously adopted multiple resolutions obligating North Korea not to conduct any further launches that use ballistic missile technology, because they contribute to developing its delivery systems for nuclear weapons and thus pose a grave threat to the peace and security of the region and the entire international community.
This is also why the Secretary-General strongly condemned the attempted launch of another military satellite using ballistic missile technology by North Korea. It is particularly appalling that North Korea instead strongly condemned the Secretary-General referring to the UN Charter and other international laws.
Mr. President,
Let me ask one simple and easy question: who should reflect on obligations to the UN Charter and other international laws? I do not believe anyone in this chamber needs an answer. It is crystal-clear. North Korea is completely disrespectful of the Security Council resolutions which were unanimously adopted, the Secretary-General, and the United Nations Charter.
Let me remind fellow colleagues once again. We, the Council members, bear the primary responsibility in maintaining international peace and security. The Security Council should be united on non-proliferation matters. I urge all Council members to reaffirm our commitment to the global non-proliferation regime that we all must value and uphold.

In this regard, it is highly regrettable that, despite the affirmative support by 13 Council members, this Council was compelled to silence the Panel of Experts due to a veto by one permanent member, especially when the permanent member – Russia - that wielded its veto power to defend North Korea’s unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programme has itself been violating the relevant resolutions by procuring military equipment and munitions from North Korea and using them for its unprovoked aggression against Ukraine in flagrant violation of the UN Charter. We continue to monitor closely what North Korea gains in return.
We cannot let the current situation become a new normal.
Mr. President,
Last but not least, yet another aspect of North Korea’s reckless conduct should be well-noted among us. We are fully aware of the human rights situation in North Korea, and Council members have repeatedly expressed their grave concerns in previous meetings. 

Then let me ask how many would have been fed if the money spent on launching military satellites and missiles had been spent on the people instead? The intertwining of the human rights situation with international peace and security cannot be more obvious in the case of North Korea.

Mr. President,
Japan urges North Korea not to conduct further launches and once again urges North Korea to immediately and fully comply with all relevant resolutions and to engage in diplomacy and accept the repeated offers of dialogue.    
Thank you.