国連女性機関(UN Women)執行理事会2023年年次会合における山中大使 ステートメント


Mr. President,

I would like to start by expressing my appreciation for the opening statements by you and by Madam Executive Director, and for her comprehensive annual report. I am pleased to hear that the integrated approach of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 is working, driving results, and improving organizational efficiencies and effectiveness with increased transparency. 

As the Executive Director has rightly stated, Gender equality is more important than ever to progress the SDGs in the current global situation of women and girls, which is at a critical juncture due to compounded threats to human security. Against this backdrop, Japan contributed 20.6 million USD to UN Women this year to support women and girls throughout the world. Japan commends UN Women’s ongoing efforts in global response, and trusts that UN Women will continue its efforts in enhancing programme and project management as recommended by the Internal Audit Service.   
Mr. President, 
As a Security Council member, Japan would like to express its appreciation and highlight the importance of UN Women’s vital role in advancing women, peace and security. As detailed in the current Strategic Plan, Japan expects UN Women to continue providing its full support to Member States and the UN system to implement commitments on WPS, monitoring and accountability frameworks in WPS, including by supporting the development and implementation of National Action Plans. In this relation, I am pleased to share that Japan launched its third National Action Plan this April, which has reflected various CSOs’ and public opinions, as did the previous two plans.
Mr. President,

Japan welcomed UN Women’s participation to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, last year, and appreciates the Executive Director’s leadership in moving this forward. I am pleased to hear additional achievements of UN Women in the humanitarian area as a result of joining the IASC.

Our expectations are high that UN Women will fully exercise its mandate and spearhead the international efforts to achieve gender equality around the world. Japan reaffirms its commitment to support UN Women to play an effective role in coordination across the UN system.