Mr. President, distinguished guests,
I would first like to express my appreciation to the bureau and the secretariat of the Conference of States Parties for making this 17th session possible.
Japan continues to attach great importance to human security, which seeks to protect and empower individuals, especially those in vulnerable situations, including persons with disabilities.
In this sense, Japan believes it is crucial to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities.
Mr. President,
The Japanese government continues to work hard to achieve an inclusive society where persons with and without disabilities can coexist, thereby implementing the CRPD.
For instance, last March, Japan revised the Basic Policy for the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, based on discussions held by the Commission on Policy for Persons with Disabilities, of which a majority of members are persons with disabilities.
This Basic Policy states that the government promotes consideration of a national consultation office that will serve to explain laws and regulations and link persons with disabilities and businesses to appropriate consultation offices.
Based on this, last October, Japan established a one-stop consultation office tentatively in the Cabinet Office besides the consultation services of national and local governments, thereby strengthening the consultation system for persons with disabilities.
Furthermore, in April this year, the Amended Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities entered into force.
It fully obliges all businesses to provide reasonable accommodation for requests from persons with disabilities, which was previously an effort-based obligation, to the extent it is not excessively burdensome.
On top of these, Japan nominated Mr. TAMON Hiroshi, a lawyer with over 25 years of practical experience, as a candidate for the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for all the valuable support extended to Mr. Tamon and reaffirm Japan’s commitment to the further implementation of the Convention, including towards an inclusive society.
Mr. President,
Japan also emphasizes the perspectives of persons with disabilities in the context of achieving the SDGs.
Japan co-sponsored the Pre-Launch Event of the United Nations Disability and Development Report organized by DESA on the 10th of this month and is contributing to production of the executive summary of the report in an easy-to-read accessible format to be prepared hereafter.
The report is one of the few references that comprehensively addresses the SDGs from a disability perspective, providing current status and progress of each goal and target and noting concrete measures to accelerate the realization of the SDGs by, for, and with persons with disabilities.
Japan adheres to the key principle of the SDGs, “leaving no one behind”, and will do its utmost to promote international cooperation to empower those under vulnerable situations.
I thank you.