

Madam President,
To begin, I wish to convey my deep appreciation to Her Excellency Ms. Paula Narváez, President of the Economic and Social Council, and her team for holding the 2024 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up.
The international community faces multiple geopolitical crises and needs to address several long-term development challenges, including climate change and debt issues. Against this backdrop, development cooperation is more important than ever. We also recognize that the need for financing for development is enormous. In this regard, we commend this Forum for its steady work to follow up on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). In particular, we feel that this year's Forum serves as the starting point for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development in 2025 (FfD4).

Japan is actively contributing to the effort to reform the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to strengthen their support for global issues. Japan will contribute $1 billion USD to the Portfolio Guarantee Platform (PGP), which will augment IBRD’s lending capacity for addressing global challenges, including pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Moreover, Japan will contribute $20 million USD to provide concessional resources to the below-GDI window of the Livable Planet Fund (LPF) once it is established.
In addition, our country was the first country to increase its SDR channeling from 20% to 40%, actively contributing to the achievement of the $100 billion ambition.
With that said, with regard to the issue of development financing, it is clear that ODA alone is not sufficient given the enormous needs. Solidarity between various stakeholders, both public and private, is essential. Fostering such solidarity throughout the international community should be the goal of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development in 2025 (FfD4). It cannot be overemphasized that in order to weave such solidarity, it is indispensable that the entire process be carried out transparently, inclusively, and by consensus. Japan sincerely hopes that this year's Financing for Development Forum, as the starting point of the process toward FfD4, will produce meaningful results by consensus.
I thank you.