国連女性機関(UN Women)執行理事会2024年第1回定期会合における山中大使ステートメント
Madam President,
I would like to start by congratulating Ambassador Concepción on her assumption of the Presidency, as well as all the Vice Presidents on their appointments. I also welcome the new Deputy Executive Directors, Ms. Gumbonzvanda and Ms. Madi. Japan looks forward to working closely with the new Bureau Members and strengthening our partnership with UN Women under the leadership of Madam Executive Director and the new DEDs.
I would like to make three points.
First, I would like to commend UN Women for continuously responding to compounding and emerging threats, as mentioned by Madam Executive Director, which pose threats to human security as well. Needless to say, the role of UN Women’s triple mandate is more important than ever for the progress of the SDGs. In response to the increasing needs of women and girls on the ground, Japan will contribute approximately 14 million USD as non-core budget to UN Women this month to support women and girls throughout the world. We would like to see projects implemented in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, Cote d'Ivoire, the Central African Republic, Niger, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Georgia, Poland, and Slovakia, making tangible and positive impacts on the ground.
Second, as the world faces ongoing conflicts, I would like to highlight the importance of implementing the Women, Peace, and Security agenda. As a Security Council member, Japan would like to express its appreciation and highlight the importance of UN Women’s vital role in advancing this agenda. I am pleased to share that Japanese Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko set up a special task force on WPS within our ministry last month, and a number of officials joined from different divisions and functions, breaking silos and bringing a gender lens to all Japanese diplomacy.
Lastly, I would like to briefly touch on the upcoming CSW, which will focus on addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective. Japan remains focused on investment in women through education, skills and vocational training, and also on strengthening institutions both domestically and globally, and looks forward to an active discussion with UN Women, Member States, and civil society partners during CSW68.
Thank you.