第77回国連総会本会議「アフガニスタン情勢」(議題34)決議採択における玉浦参事官ステートメント (英文)


Mr. President,
Allow me to begin by expressing our gratitude for convening this debate at this critical juncture for Afghanistan. We would also like to thank the delegation of Germany for its leading role in facilitating the consultations on the draft resolution.
Japan is pleased to co-sponsor the draft resolution A/77/L.11. We believe the draft resolution comprehensively covers all the aspects of the challenges that Afghanistan faces.
Although we take note of certain developments since the Taliban’s takeover in August last year, namely security, anti-corruption measures and humanitarian access, the Taliban is far from fulfilling the commitments it made to the Afghan people. There is much work to be done, including building an inclusive political system while listening to the voices of all Afghan people, respecting the rights of all Afghans, including women, children and minorities, and completely cutting ties with terrorism.
Addressing these issues will benefit the Taliban themselves and is the best way to gain the trust of the international community and secure resources and assistance necessary to rebuild the country. We have been repeatedly emphasizing these points in our engagement with the Taliban.
Japan has been standing by the Afghan people. Since the Taliban takeover in August 2021, Japan has been providing support for humanitarian and basic human needs in Afghanistan and neighboring countries, totaling US$220 million.
I would like to conclude by reiterating Japan’s continued commitment to Afghanistan, particularly when Japan will be taking a seat as an elected member of the Security Council starting from January. We will do our utmost to support the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan in its work toward peace and stability of the country.
I thank you, Mr. President.