Mr. Chair,
At the outset, Japan would like to emphasize the importance of the freedom of religion or belief as an enduring, universal value in the international community. It is a foundation of societies. History has demonstrated that the lack of mutual respect between different religions can lead to tragedies. Addressing the challenges of today's international community is impossible without considering religion.
Therefore, we reiterate our unwavering commitment to the freedom of religion or belief. Japan has consistently supported relevant General Assembly resolutions, firmly standing in favor of this fundamental value.
In this meeting, however, it appears that Russia is portraying itself as a defender of this freedom, using false rhetoric. As the overwhelming majority of the General Assembly has repeatedly emphasized, it is Russia that has invaded Ukraine and destroyed peaceful lives of its innocent citizens.
Russia repeatedly attempted to divert public attention from its own violations of the UN Charter, and to deceive the international community into believing that there is some point we should take into account in its arguments. Such a narrative, in an attempt to legitimize one’s violations by claiming that others are also in violation, is unacceptable.
For as long as Russia continues to evade accountability for its aggression, the international community will repeat the same condemnation. Russia must withdraw all of its troops and military equipment from Ukraine and respect Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.
There is one more procedural concern on this Arria meeting. On 17 March, an Arria meeting on the human rights situations in the DPRK was held. One Council member blocked the meeting to be broadcasted by UNTV. Since then, total of five Arria meetings, including this meeting, was not broadcasted. For future Arria meetings, Council should be aware of transparency, if the content of the meetings contributes to the maintenance of international peace and security and if the content does not require to be low profile.
I thank you.
At the outset, Japan would like to emphasize the importance of the freedom of religion or belief as an enduring, universal value in the international community. It is a foundation of societies. History has demonstrated that the lack of mutual respect between different religions can lead to tragedies. Addressing the challenges of today's international community is impossible without considering religion.
Therefore, we reiterate our unwavering commitment to the freedom of religion or belief. Japan has consistently supported relevant General Assembly resolutions, firmly standing in favor of this fundamental value.
In this meeting, however, it appears that Russia is portraying itself as a defender of this freedom, using false rhetoric. As the overwhelming majority of the General Assembly has repeatedly emphasized, it is Russia that has invaded Ukraine and destroyed peaceful lives of its innocent citizens.
Russia repeatedly attempted to divert public attention from its own violations of the UN Charter, and to deceive the international community into believing that there is some point we should take into account in its arguments. Such a narrative, in an attempt to legitimize one’s violations by claiming that others are also in violation, is unacceptable.
For as long as Russia continues to evade accountability for its aggression, the international community will repeat the same condemnation. Russia must withdraw all of its troops and military equipment from Ukraine and respect Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.
There is one more procedural concern on this Arria meeting. On 17 March, an Arria meeting on the human rights situations in the DPRK was held. One Council member blocked the meeting to be broadcasted by UNTV. Since then, total of five Arria meetings, including this meeting, was not broadcasted. For future Arria meetings, Council should be aware of transparency, if the content of the meetings contributes to the maintenance of international peace and security and if the content does not require to be low profile.
I thank you.