

(As delivered)

I thank USG DiCarlo, Ambassador Vanessa Frazier, and Ambassador Olof Skoog, for their informative briefings.
Mr. President,
Since we last discussed the Iran nuclear issue in this chamber six months ago, regrettably negotiations to revive the JCPOA have remained stalled.
Japan reiterates its unwavering support for the JCPOA, which is highly important for strengthening the international non-proliferation regime and contributing to the peace and stability of the Middle East. All relevant parties must swiftly return to the agreement and comply fully with their commitments.
Mr. President,
Japan is deeply troubled by the expansion of Iran’s nuclear activities, including the continued increase of stockpiles of highly enriched uranium beyond the limits set under the JCPOA.
IAEA safeguards are the fundamental instrument for ensuring global nuclear non-proliferation. Only the IAEA can provide assurances about the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. In this light, Japan has made a series of high-level diplomatic efforts in calling on Iran to take constructive measures, including the full and unconditional implementation of the Joint Statement between Iran and the IAEA, without further delay.
The restoration of the JCPOA will require sincere confidence-building measures among the key stakeholders. Diplomacy is the only way to address this issue, and Japan encourages all parties to renew their commitment to resolve the outstanding issues.
Mr. President,
With regards to proliferation concerns, tensions in the Middle East are high particularly due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Japan is seriously concerned that the conflict could spill over across the region. Thus, Iran must refrain from any destabilizing actions, including possible transfer of missiles, UAVs, and other related military technologies to both state and non-state actors.
Japan will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate actions in cooperation with the international community to prevent the illegal supply, sale, or transfer of ballistic missile-related items, materials, equipment, goods, and technologies, which could seriously undermine peace and security in the region.
Mr. President,  
Even amidst such a challenging moment, it is critical to continue necessary dialogue while fostering mutual trust. Japan has maintained a long-standing relationship with Iran.
Within the past three months, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida had an in-person summit meeting and a telephone talk with President Raisi, during which the Prime Minister directly conveyed our concerns and exchanged candid views on a variety of issues, including the implementation of the JCPOA and the conflicts in the region. Likewise, our respective foreign ministers have actively engaged with each other on multiple occasions. In addition, we recently conducted a high-level dialogue on disarmament and non-proliferation issues between Japan and Iran.
Japan will continue to make our utmost efforts to bridge the gaps between the parties concerned in order to resolve regional non-proliferation issues.
I thank you.