
Thank you, Mr. President.
I would first like to thank the co-penholders, Ecuador and the United States, for their leadership during the negotiations.
Japan voted in favour of the resolution because of the gravity of the situation in Haiti with escalating levels of violence and criminal activities, and also because of the urgent need to provide effective international support, in response to the repeated calls by the Haitian Government.
We are highly pleased that the Council was able to come together today and authorize the deployment of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission to support the efforts of the Haitian National Police (HNP). We welcome Kenya’s consideration to lead the Mission and other countries’ offers to contribute.
The adoption of this resolution today is only the first step. For the effective and successful operation of the Mission, extensive and thorough preparation is crucial. This should include careful examination and awareness of the situation on the ground, an assessment of the necessary capability and resources for the Mission, clarification of the rules of engagement, and the establishment of an appropriate command structure and division of labour among the stakeholders. In this regard, we call upon Member States to contribute and share their experiences and expertise to ensure maximum preparation and support to the MSS Mission’s operation. Japan, on its part, will actively engage with the international community and spare no effort to ensure the effective and successful operation of the MSS.
Furthermore, we want to emphasise that addressing security alone is not sufficient. It should go hand in hand with Haitian efforts supported by international partners to restore resilient democratic institutions and accountable governance as well as to provide people with basic services and development opportunities. Through such endeavours, trust can be gained from the population, which is crucial for achieving sustainable peace and security in Haiti. We will continue to support such efforts.
Let me conclude by reaffirming our unwavering solidarity with the people and the Government of Haiti.
I thank you.