

(As delivered)

Thank you, Madame President.
I thank USG Nakamitsu and other briefer for their briefings.
It is noteworthy that we are convened by Russia on the same topic yet again in so short a span of time. Throughout this period, Member States who are committed to upholding the principles of the UN Charter have continued to support Ukraine exercising the right of self-defense to ensure its sovereignty and territorial integrity in accordance with the Charter and international law.
At the same time, we observe a flagrant violation of the UN Charter by Russia, which perpetuates its aggression without relenting. The intensified cooperation by some Member States with Russia that enables this behavior should not be overlooked. We must not lose sight of the overall picture.

It is also troubling that Russia's attempts to repeatedly convene the Security Council on Ukraine just for reciprocating are squandering the Council’s valuable resources. Russia should use its rich diplomatic experience and influence to foster peace and stability, rather than undermining it.
The path forward is unequivocal: Russia should withdraw all its troops and military equipment from Ukraine and focus its diplomatic prowess on genuine constructive efforts that uphold international law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter.
I thank you.