

(As delivered)
Thank you, Mr. President.
I thank briefers for their briefings.
Mr. President,
This is the sixth time the Security Council discuss Ukraine related agenda this month. It is regrettable that Russia has been consuming resources of the Security Council by simply requesting the same number of Council meetings as those requested by the countries that accuse Russia. Instead, Russia should have taken the floor in the last meeting on Ukraine, on Wednesday.
Russia seems to have requested today’s meeting to blame Ukraine for not being able to reach a political solution to end Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine. However, we should never lose sight of the root cause.

We all know the indisputable fact that if Russia had not initiated the current aggression, the tragedy we are witnessing now would never have happened. As stated by the overwhelming majority of the UN General Assembly, Russia’s aggression is a clear violation of international law including the UN Charter.
Mr. President,

There are calls for a political solution for peace. Diplomatic solution cannot be achieved by inflicting damage to one side. Peace prevails based on justice and principles of the UN Charter in order for it to last.
Russia must stop its hopeless attempt to deceive the international community – it will never justify its outrageous act. Instead, it should fulfill its responsibilities as a permanent member of the Security Council. The Russian Federation should withdraw all of its troops and military equipment from Ukraine and respect Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. 
I thank you, Mr. President.