I would like to express my gratitude to SRSG Rugwabiza, Executive Director Bahous, AU Commissioner Adeoye, and Mr. Ngatondang for their briefing. I also welcome the presence of Her Excellency, Foreign Minister Baipo-Temon from Central African Republic, and other representatives from regional states.
Let me first commend the continued dedication demonstrated by MINUSCA in the difficult condition. Consolidation of peace and stability in the Central African Republic (CAR) needs effective implementation of MINUSCA’s mandate. In this regard, we welcome ongoing close communication between the Government and the MINUSCA leadership.
It is deeply unsettling, however, to hear of the serious allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN peacekeepers. Any allegations should be thoroughly investigated with strictly upholding zero tolerance policy for those heinous acts.
Madam President,
The security situation across CAR remains volatile due to continued military confrontations with armed groups. Violence and hostilities have compelled people to flee their homes, and women and children are suffering the most. Our already deep concerns are compounded by reports of sexual violence including as a tactic of war, as well as the recruitment and use of children in conflict. We also continuously apprehend the human rights violations and abuses committed by armed groups, State Agents and Other Security Personnel, which were mentioned in the recent SG report as allegedly responsible. To change the course, the 2019 Political Agreement of Peace and Reconciliation (APPR) must be fully implemented by all signatories with the highest priority.
In this regard, I would like to highlight the following points.
First of all, it remains essential to place primary focus on inclusive dialogue and the Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR) process to achieve a sustainable peace in the country. We commend the continuous efforts of the CAR Government to engage with armed groups to seek a political solution, and further welcome the resulting dissolution of several armed groups since the last briefing. The ongoing offensive campaign should be accompanied by renewed attempts to bring those still fighting, though now on the defensive, back to the negotiating table.
Demonstrating a successful transition of ex-combatants is key to motivating fragmented armed groups to participate in the national DDRR program. We commend the Government’s efforts together with international partners to reduce the gap between demobilization and the start of the socio-economic reintegration process for a smooth transition.
Second, we need to further promote a regional approach. The concentration of armed group activities and illicit flows of weapons in border areas clearly indicates the importance of more effective border controls in the region. The joint commission frameworks for cross-border issues with neighboring countries must be further utilized. Those frameworks should also contribute to strengthening natural resource management to prevent illegal exploitation and trafficking of precious minerals.
The humanitarian situation around the borders is another serious concern. It has been worsened by the massive inflow of refugees due to the recent conflict in Sudan despite the CAR's efforts to host over 10,000 Sudanese refugees. We need a coordinated approach by regional countries to address the severe humanitarian needs and to prevent any exploitation by armed groups. Japan has provided emergency food assistance to alleviate the human security crisis.
Lastly, the conduct of credible, peaceful, and inclusive local elections remains the key to further extending state authority and promoting the rule of law in rural areas. Stable local governance needs legitimate leaders supported by people’s confidence. Here, MINUSCA’s support role is crucial in close coordination with the government.
Japan remains committed to playing its part to assist in the betterment of people in the CAR.
I thank you.