

Mr. President,
First, I would like to thank Ambassador Pérez and his team for their strong leadership and tireless dedication to the work of the 1540 Committee. Our appreciation also goes to the Group of Experts.
Mr. President,
The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to non-state actors continues to pose one of the most significant threats to international peace and security.
This risk has been magnified by rapid advances in science and technology, and by the increasing accessibility of dual-use technologies.
Resolution 1540 is a vital component of the global non-proliferation architecture as the first international instrument that deals with preventing non-state actors from acquiring weapons of mass destruction in a comprehensive manner.
Japan highly values the work of the 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts in assisting Member States to take concrete actions to fully implement Resolution 1540.
However, there remain significant gaps in implementation among Member States that require our continued attention and effort. There is much more that this Committee can do.
In this context, Japan welcomes the recent successful elaboration of the Programme of Work, which now becomes a roadmap to guide the Committee’s work ahead, and outlines important Committee activities, including the elaboration of a multi-year program of outreach and the review of internal guidelines regarding the Group of Experts.
Ensuring the non-proliferation of WMDs requires an all-stakeholders approach. Therefore, Japan welcomes an open briefing scheduled to be held later this year and looks forward to further discussions in an open and transparent manner with the broader Membership and international, regional and sub-regional organizations.
The Committee and its Group of Experts must be empowered to be able to proactively provide their expertise to support Member States in identifying key gaps and obstacles and preparing their national implementation action plans.
Mr. President,
Japan has actively contributed to promoting Resolution 1540 and assisting with its implementation.
Japan has for many years been sharing our expertise on non-proliferation regulations and measures with our fellow Member States through our outreach programs, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region that has become a production and distribution hub in global supply chain, and is at greater risk to be targeted by non-state actors.
A recent example is the regional meeting in Tokyo for Stakeholders organized by the Government of Japan and UNODA to support the implementation of Resolution 1540 in Asia. Member States had an opportunity for dialoguing with South-East Asian countries and other international partners on match-making solutions for supporting the universal prevention of the proliferation of WMDs.
In addition, for almost three decades, Japan has hosted the Asian Export Control Seminars, where representatives of export control authorities from the region come together to exchange knowledge and experiences to better tackle the proliferation risks of WMDs.
Furthermore, Japan played a significant role, through its financial contributions, in appointing the first Regional Resolution 1540 Coordinator in the Asia-Pacific region.
Mr. President,
Japan is committed to playing an even more proactive role in enhancing the implementation of Resolution 1540 to prevent the most dangerous weapons from falling into the hands of non-state actors, including terrorists.
I thank you.