

(As delivered)
Thank you, Co-Chairs.
Japan aligns with the statement made by India on behalf of the G4. Let me add some points in my national capacity.
The veto is such a powerful prerogative that States must exercise it responsibly, with the sole purpose of maintaining international peace and security. Due to the excessive use or threat of use of the veto on pressing issues, the Council is having a difficulty in adopting resolutions, and this undermines the legitimacy of the Council itself.
The veto is another unfortunate example of the existing imbalance within the Council on top of the permanency of the five States. The majority of the Member States believe that, at a minimum, it is necessary to introduce measures to limit the use of veto in certain circumstances – the “Political Declaration on Suspension of Veto Powers in Cases of Mass Atrocity” initiated by France and Mexico, as well as the ACT Group’s “Code of Conduct regarding Security Council action against genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes,” are valuable initiatives for that purpose. We urge all permanent members who have not done so to commit to voluntary restraint on the use of the veto without delay. Once committed, it is critical that such measures of restraining the use of the veto are implemented accordingly. We would appreciate further discussion on this point as well.
We propose that the new permanent members, while having the same responsibilities and obligations as current permanent members as a principle, shall not exercise the veto until a decision on the matter is taken during a review. The review is proposed to be held 15 years after reform coming into force. This shows our flexibility and constructiveness vis-à-vis discussions on this important topic. We welcome further exchanges of views. 
I thank you.