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Statement by Wataru Otsuka
Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Second resumed session of the Fifth Committee
3 July 2019
Madame Chair,Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Second resumed session of the Fifth Committee
3 July 2019
First, at the conclusion of the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee, I would like to express my congratulations to all, including the members of the Secretariat and the PKO missions in the field, as well as bureau members, who have engaged tirelessly to achieve the results we have just adopted. On behalf of our mission, I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the Chair, Her Excellency Ms. Gillian Bird, and Ms. Rees for their dedication to the work of the Fifth Committee throughout the 73rd Session of the General Assembly.
Madame Chair,
It is deeply regrettable that we could not conclude our session within the allotted time. In preparing for our future deliberations, it is the responsibility of all Member States to reflect upon the process we have just gone through and make necessary adjustments to our approach in order to conclude the next session in a timely manner, sufficiently in advance of the next fiscal year. This anomaly must not become the new normal due to our lack of effort and efficiency.
Madame Chair,
My delegation was saddened by the action just taken under the agenda item of the Board of Auditors. The BoA is an independent oversight body comprised of member states and the Board’s reports and their related observations and recommendations including those submitted this year have provided valuable insight into issues related to the effective and efficient functioning of the UN. In this connection, my delegation regrets that the action could compromise the Board’s critical role as an independent auditor and hamper implementation of recommendations by the Board.
Madame Chair,
The peacekeeping budget, which amounts to more than double the program budget in annual terms and is often expensed remotely from the Secretariat, demands a particularly high level of accountability. In this connection, the General Assembly made an incremental but a right step toward enhanced accountability of peacekeeping activities, including those conducted by non-mission entities. My delegation strongly hopes that all requests by the General Assembly will be fully and faithfully implemented by the Organization, and also believes that all resources will be utilized in an efficient and effective manner to fulfill the mandates of each mission.
Madame Chair,
Finding a solution to addressing the challenging financial situation of the Organization was another important item on the agenda during the session. Japan welcomes the results we have just achieved to this end, and calls upon the Secretariat to make the best use of the approved measures, and to report their impacts in a timely manner. For our part, Japan will continue to fulfill its obligation as a major financial contributor to the Organization.
In closing, on behalf of my delegation, I would like to thank all my colleagues in the Committee for their constructive engagement and personal trust vested in all of our team members, without which none of the outcomes would have been possible. I truly believe that this spirit of camaraderie will continue to be the key to achieving the best possible results in our future negotiations.
I wish you all a well-deserved rest and a memorable summer holiday.
I thank you, Madame Chair.