経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)開発事業活動セグメント 国連事務総長と加盟国のハイレベル会合における大菅大使ステートメント

Madam Chair,
I thank the Secretary-General for his report and the keynote on the implementation of the 2020 QCPR.
In crisis settings, be it COVID or Afghanistan, the UN system has the comparative advantage in its capacity to deliver. There is no doubt.
However, despite the decades-long debate on humanitarian-development nexus, and “the triple nexus” in more recent years, barriers remain. The structure is mostly for administrative reasons, and less relevant from the bottom-up, human security perspective.
I wish to make three specific questions in this regard.
The reference to DCO-OCHA collaboration in the SG report is very limited, just a few niche cases. In September last year, OCHA issued the flash appeal for Afghanistan and it included a small box dedicated to UNDP. It’s commendable but also logical, in light of UNDP’s work in that country. Could the same gesture be demonstrated for Ukraine, where UNDP had the largest number of staff until the invasion? This is my first question.
On financing, the categorization of humanitarian versus development is artificial. It was evident in the context of COVID response. Is there any progress toward integrating the data for both categories? Data transparency and credibility are critical for system-wide coherence and for incentivizing the donors.
My last question is addressed to you, Madam Vice-President, and to fellow ECOSOC members. Can we expect to hold in the near future a joint Humanitarian and Operational Activities Segment, and have our 2nd and 3rd Committee experts mingle to seriously discuss the nexus?
At the end of the day, what really matters is how much we deliver to those most in need.
Thank you.