第72回国連総会第3委員会 議題27「社会開発」に関する布柴靖枝政府代表顧問によるステートメント(英文)
(as delivered)
Mr. Chair,
At the outset, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you on your assumption of the position of chair of this Committee. Let me assure you of my delegation’s utmost support to your efforts and leadership as well as those of the bureau members.
I am attending this Committee as the Special Advisor to the Japanese delegation on the recommendations of eight Japanese women’s NGOs. Since 1957, a representative of Japan’s women’s NGOs has been participating in the discussions of this Committee. I will actively participate in this Committee, recognizing that women’s political empowerment and democratic governance are essential to achieve a peaceful and equal civil society.
Mr. Chair,
Japan places great importance on the holistic empowerment of individuals, including women, persons with disability, and older persons. From the perspective of Human Security, we have been taking various measures to realize social development both domestically and internationally.
In this regard, it is important to create a more inclusive society by supporting and encouraging persons with disability to participate in society. Using the momentum of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games, Japan has been working to remove social barriers in order to realize an inclusive society where everybody fully enjoys their rights.
Additionally, in February of this year, we formulated the “Action Plan on Universal Design 2020”. We will continue implementing this action plan by enhancing “Universal Design” and a “Mental Barrier-Free” society, and make it the greatest legacy of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
In the area of global health, we have been strongly promoting Universal Health Coverage or UHC in order to secure health for every individual. Last month during the UNGA High Level Week, Japan hosted a side event on UHC with the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Macky Sall of Senegal, Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Amina Mohammed, and leaders from related international organizations. Furthermore, Japan will host the UHC Forum in Tokyo this December. We will accelerate our practical measures to achieve UHC, in order to realize society where no one is left behind.
Mr. Chair,
Each Member State must make an effort to realize a society where no one is left behind. Today, I would like to introduce Japan’s contributions towards social development in Africa, among many other measures we are taking.
The African countries, many of which have recently been experiencing rapid economic development, have great potential for further development. In supporting them, Japan has led the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) since 1993. We have been making various contributions not only toward economic development but also toward “high quality growth,” such as the improvement of healthcare systems¾including promoting UHC¾comprehensive education, and the empowerment of women.
In August of last year, we held the Sixth TICAD Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. At the Summit we announced our commitment to invest approximately 30 billion dollars from both governmental and private sector sources. We shall continue to contribute to the social development of Africa.
Mr. Chair,
The Government of Japan has been hosting the World Assembly for Women, “WAW!” in short, to realize a society where women shine. This November, in Tokyo, we will host the “WAW! 2017”, focusing on universal topics such as “female entrepreneurs”, “gender equality under natural disaster”, and “women and media”. Each year, the participants at WAW! draft recommendations which are registered as UN official documents.
My country will continue to address the issues surrounding social development by empowering every individual, including women, persons with disability, youth, older persons and LGBTI people in the spirit of “leaving no one behind.”
I thank you.