経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)開発事業活動セグメント QCPRに関する事務総長報告書についてのハイレベル会合における中川公使ステートメント


Thank you, Mr. Vice President,

I would like to start by thanking the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, and their teams for working on the comprehensive report and other materials for the segment.

First of all, Japan supports the United Nations Development System including Resident Coordinator system and its reforms.

With regard to setting targets for core budgets and multi-year contributions, we would like to point out that it is necessary to consider the unique circumstances of each country. Japan, under its single-year budget system, provides assistance to urgent needs which are considered on a case-by-case basis and if multi-year targets were set through this Compact process, it would not be easy for Japan to meet those targets in the short period of time.

According to the list of top financial contributors attached to the SG report on the QCPR (quadrennial comprehensive policy review), Japan ranked 11th in voluntary core funding in 2022. Despite the difficult fiscal situation in Japan due to the depreciation of Japanese Yen, we will continue to engage ourselves in the discussion and closely consult with the capital, considering the importance of core funding.

Regarding the funding of the United Nations Development System mentioned in the QCPR, we would like to hear how the points of the discussions on financing for development (FfD) will be reflected in the 2024 QCPR, which is to be revised this year, as well as the current status of its preparation.

I thank you.