(As delivered)
Thank you, Soda Federico, Chief of the IOM Mission in Libya, for giving me the floor and sharing sobering experiences on the ground. I’m also grateful to the prominent speakers of the panel for your insightful inputs on challenges of migration governance.
The threats posed to migrants by smuggling and trafficking are immense. They deprive migrants not only of their survival and livelihoods but also of their dignity. The situation requires a holistic approach, putting people at the center, and advancing the human security nexus, which can make coordinated efforts based on solidarity among international communities. As a concrete effort to address the situation, Japan has been working proactively in these fields in cooperation with international organizations on objectives 9 and 10.
Firstly, on objective 9, Japan, in cooperation with UNODC, has contributed to strengthening countermeasures against the smuggling of immigrants and migrants across the borders of the ASEAN member states. These include to establish border liaison offices and enhance a communication mechanism among the offices. In addition, the projects also help all relevant law enforcement authorities of each member state of ASEAN to work for making agreements on border control and enhance information exchange mechanisms.
Secondly, on objective 10, Japan has been active in providing relevant organizations with training and awareness-raising against trafficking in persons especially in ASEAN countries through multiple organizations, such as JICA, UNAFEI, UNODC and UN Women. Moreover, Japan has long provided repatriation and reintegration support, including vocational services and legal and medical assistance to foreign victims of trafficking in persons identified in Japan through IOM. In 2021, approximately $142,000 US dollars were provided to IOM in this field.
To conclude, Japan remains an active partner with the UN System, including IOM, to combat trafficking in persons.
I thank you.