
I thank President Santana and Prosecutor Brammertz for their informative reports and briefings. Japan is committed to promoting the rule of law including the fight against impunity as well as the pursuit of transitional justice, and thus supports the role of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT). We would like to call upon all States to cooperate therewith.
Mr. President,
We are pleased to see that the Mechanism has shown remarkable progress this year. Regarding prosecution, the Mechanism delivered the appeal judgement on the Stanišić and Simatović case in May, and the Kabuga case was rendered an indefinite stay of trial in September. These two cases mark the conclusion of the trials and appeals transferred from the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR). Likewise, regarding investigations, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) succeeded in arresting the long-sought fugitive Kayishema in May, and confirmed the death of Ndimbati in November. We appreciate President Santana, Prosecutor Brammertz as well as all the Mechanism staff for their dedicated efforts.
Mr. President,
With the remarkable progress in the areas of investigation and prosecution, we welcome that the Mechanism is now transitioning from an operational court to a truly residual institution. While we acknowledge that the Mechanism continues to have an indispensable role, its activities and size should be narrowed over time commensurate with the reduction in its functions.
In this regard, we appreciate the Mechanism’s leadership toward the earliest completion of its residual functions as well as potential options for transferring remaining activities. The draft framework presented by President Santana yesterday to Council members on the completion of the Mechanism’s functions during this new phase is significant. We also commend the President’s internal restructuring initiative, which combines both a reduction of posts and streamlining workflows in order to optimize resources and efficiencies.
Mr. President,
Once again, let me reiterate Japan’s continued interest in and unwavering support for the activities of the Mechanism. We are committed to promote the rule of law together with fellow Member States and international judicial institutions including the IRMCT.
I thank you.