
Japan appreciates the briefing by the President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), and welcomes the progress made by the IRMCT to date, as shown in its tenth annual report.
Strengthening the rule of law based on the UN Charter is conducive to sustainable growth and effective development of the international community. Through addressing cases and executing already-made judgments, the IRMCT has been making remarkable progress in promoting the international concept of human rights, advancing the fight against impunity, and realizing the rule of law. Japan fully commends the IRMCT’s perseverant efforts. Japan welcomes that.

On the other hand, Japan is concerned that the lack of indispensable cooperation among States has caused delays in the work of the IRMCT, thereby making it difficult to fulfill its expected role. We are aware of the situation where if States do not comply with their international obligations, including those derived from Security Council resolutions, there is trouble in extraditing indicted individuals and transfering those who have been released or acquitted. To tackle such an impediment, Japan calls on all Member States to support the IRMCT.
In the statement at the General Assembly Hall last month, Prime Minister Kishida stressed his strong commitment to the realization of a United Nations that promotes the rule of law in the international community. Japan continues to attach great importance to the rule of law and accountability, and therefore is the largest contributor to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Japan will become a member of the Security Council next January. We will contribute meaningfully to discussions within and outside of the Security Council to ensure that IRMCT continues to play an important role in fortifying the rule of law.
Thank you.