第74回国連総会第6委員会 議題109「国際テロ撲滅措置」に関する町田参事官ステートメント

(As delivered)
Thank you, Madame Chair.
At the outset, I would like to join others in congratulating you and other Bureau members on your election. I assure you of our full support during this session. The Permanent Mission of Japan looks forward to working closely with you.
Madame Chair,

In June, Japan hosted the G20 Osaka Summit where the leaders of the G20 adopted a Leaders' Statement on Preventing Exploitation of the Internet for Terrorism and Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism (VECT). In this statement, G20 leaders announced their collective will and priorities to prevent the Internet from becoming a safe haven for terrorists to recruit, incite, or prepare terrorist acts. Japan is fully committed to this Leaders’ Statement. We will continue to propel public-private partnerships, capacity-building, and the sharing of good practices through international platforms to tackle this issue, aligning with the rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms including freedom of expression and access to information.
Madame Chair,
Unfortunately, since last year’s adoption of the resolution on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, we have seen numerous terrorist attacks around the world, including Christchurch terrorist attacks in March and terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka in April this year. Nevertheless, we have also produced diplomatic achievements in the UN and other international fora, including two unanimously adopted Security Council resolutions 2462 and 2482, and the G20 Leaders’ Statement.
          We must keep in mind that international cooperation is integral to preventing terrorism and violent extremism. We must continue to deepen our cooperation. In this regard, we believe that the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice, to be held in Kyoto, Japan in April, 2020, will be an appropriate opportunity to discuss further cooperation on this issue. This resolution on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism is one additional step in accomplishing that aim, and we must work closely and effectively so that this resolution can further upgrade our effort in tackling issues we currently face.
Madame Chair,
As we speak, millions of tourists and fans are in Japan, cheering at the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Next year, Japan will host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. In hosting these major events, Japan is more than ready to continue to strengthen our capabilities and our awareness towards international terrorism is higher than ever. We are willing to contribute to international actions to tackle terrorism and prevent violent extremism.
We are looking forward to the discussions in this room. You can count on our support.
I thank you.