
I would like to join previous speakers in expressing my gratitude to all the briefers for their insights.
For sustainable peace and development in CAR, political reconciliation and socioeconomic reintegration, especially at the local level, is the key for full implementation of the 2019 Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation.
I would like to highlight the following three points.
First, it is essential for the CAR government to reinvigorate inclusive engagement with all stakeholders under its strong ownership. A whole-of-community approach is required to promote the Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration, and Repatriation (DDRR) process for armed groups based on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. Former combatants need a clear prospect for alternative lives firmly rooted in community.
Second, the forthcoming local election must serve as a catalyst to boost local governance reform for the betterment of people’s welfare.
Ensuring the exercise of political rights by all, including former combatants, can help lessen deep divisions and build resilient communities. A timely, fair, open, inclusive, and credible election process is essential to make this happen.
Finally, we should continue to focus on the dire human security situations in some parts of the country, especially in border areas, while we see improvement in the overall humanitarian situation in recent years. Regional cooperation should be further promoted to tackle the illicit flow of weapons and armed groups, as well as the continued influx of displaced persons from neighboring countries. Extension of state authority is highly necessary in this regard to provide for basic social services. Japan, together with international partners, continues to provide assistance to reduce the suffering of people in these areas.
I thank you.