

We support the Transforming Education Summit (TES) and its preparatory process. Preparation schedule is very tight, but we would like to make utmost efforts to advance the preparation.
We need to generate momentum on education among Member States. Here in NY, the Group of Friends on Education and Lifelong Learning is ready to take a leading role and to contribute, including through organizing a side event during the HLPF this year, as discussed among members of the Group.
To create momentum for the TES, it is also important that the voices of the Member States be heard and properly reflected in the preparatory process. In this connection, Japan and Colombia, as Co-leads of Thematic Action Track 2 will host an online consultation with Member States on Action Track 2 on Monday, 23 May. We have circulated invitation.
The Pre-Summit in Paris will be a particularly important milestone in this preparatory process. We would appreciate it if you could elaborate more on the preparatory work plan after the Pre-Summit between July and September, including how the Summit Outcome Document will be developed after the National Consultations and Thematic Action Tracks.
I thank you.