第7回STIフォーラムサイドイベント「Launching a Global Network of AI Excellence Centres in Sustainable Development」における木村大使ステートメント
(As delivered)
Dear colleagues,At the outset, I would like to thank the Permanent Mission of Slovenia and the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI) for organizing this side event. Our Mission is pleased to co-sponsor today’s event and congratulates the launch of this important Global Network of AI Excellence Centres in Sustainable Development (NAIXUS).
The rapid development and transformation of digital technologies, including AI, is dramatically changing many aspects of our lives. While the potential of AI to accelerate achievement of the SDGs is very clear, challenges remain to make it a global effort in terms of global collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building.
In Japan, the realization of a super-smart society, which we call “Society 5.0”, is a pillar of our efforts to promote STI for SDGs. The basic concept of Society 5.0 is “human-centered technology”, where we pursue the well-being and happiness of human beings by incorporating technologies such as AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, robotics, and so on.
As the originator of Society 5.0, we wish to realize the concept together with our partners all over the world and to contribute to Sustainable Development by sharing the solutions and know-how we have gained in the process of implementing Society 5.0 in our country. However, as mentioned earlier, and as the founders of NAIXUS also point out, sharing AI expertise related to Sustainable Development is a constant challenge, because it is developed based on specific issues that vary from country to country. Ethical issues and technology leakage are also common concerns when it comes to the global sharing of AI expertise or big data.
In this sense, we expect NAIXUS to become a unique and important platform to bring together researchers, private partners, academics, and other relevant stakeholders spread across all continents and promote the exchange of knowledge and perspectives as a virtual center of excellence. I trust today’s discussion will be fruitful, and I wish for the success of the new network.
We look forward to engaging with all of you. Thank you, Ambassador.