
(As delivered)
Madam Chair,
I thank the briefers for showing us a clear picture on the ground.
This year started with our firm commitment to global food security. Over the past two years, the spread of COVID-19 has exacerbated food insecurity globally, placing the highest number of people undernourished. That is why we resolved ourselves to the eradication of hunger and the improvement of nutrition for people around the world at the United Nations Food Systems Summit and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit last year.
However, the situation has become even worse. The Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is threatening food security in Ukraine and beyond for millions of people. Japan expresses its solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and calls for the full and immediate implementation of General Assembly resolutions adopted at the 11th Emergency Special Session. To address the difficulties in the region, Japan announced its contribution of USD 200 million for emergency humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
Madam Chair,
The aggression has resulted in a serious impact on global food supply chains and the sharp rise of already high prices for agricultural commodities and inputs. Food security and nutrition are at risk in vulnerable countries and populations that rely on food supplies from Ukraine. Transportation for food exports including at sea and commodities production are disrupted. In this context, the targeting of critical civilian infrastructure, including that for agricultural production, transportation and storage, is particularly of grave concern, and is a clear denial of the series of the commitments in the Council, including Security Council resolutions 2417 and 2573.
Japan is committed to support the most vulnerable facing the situations of armed conflict. Our recent efforts include assistance to improve the situation of food and nutrition in Yemen in response to food shortages and malnutrition as well as nutritional support for children and women affected by conflict in Ethiopia. Japan will continue to work together with the international community to strengthen global food security, in particular by paying special attention to the vulnerable communities and populations suffering most from the current situation.
Thank you.