

I would like to begin by thanking the previous co-chairs of the Ad-Hoc Working Group (AHWG), the Permanent Representatives of El Salvador and Slovakia for their excellent leadership. I congratulate the Permanent Representative of El Salvador and Australia on the appointment as co-chairs of the AHWG and look forward to working with you towards the further revitalization of the work of the General Assembly (GA).
The AHWG made significant and concrete achievements last year, thanks to Member States’ constructive spirit, in spite of the difficult circumstances caused by the pandemic. These achievements reaffirm our collective commitment to multilateralism and international cooperation. Last week, the General Assembly demonstrated the clear will of the international community to adhere to the principles of the UN Charter by adopting the resolution on “Aggression against Ukraine” with an overwhelming majority.
I would like to highlight two areas where Japan seeks to deepen the discussion in this year’s AHWG based on the GA Resolution 75/325.
First, the further streamlining and rationalization of the GA agenda. In close consultation with the bureau of the Main Committees, my delegation hopes to achieve consensus on further rationalization of the items on the agenda by bi-annualizing, tri-annualizing, clustering or eliminating them, where appropriate, with a view to promoting an in-depth discussion under each item. The rationalization of the GA agenda would enable the GA to play a more central role in promoting policy debate and forging new orientations on each issue.
Second, the steady implementation of the past revitalization resolutions. The bi-annualization of the resolution decided last year allows us to use this session to assess the progress of our revitalization work, including the implementation of the decisions made in the previous resolutions. There should be more aspects to be reviewed. We need to continuously assess the implementation of the previous decisions to upgrade the work of the GA.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that my delegation remains ready to work with all the Member States and relevant stakeholders constructively toward a meaningful outcome of this Working Group.
I thank you.