UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS執行理事会 第一回定例会合(UNDPセグメント)における木村大使ステートメント



Thank you, Madame President,

At the outset, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as President of the Executive Board. I appreciate Mr. Steiner for his presentation, which shows the clear orientation of UNDP based on its new Strategic Plan.

The international community is facing a number of unprecedented crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and increasing conflicts. Under such circumstances, I commend the new UNDP Strategic Plan (2022-2025) for aiming at systemic change to realize the goals of building resilience and "leaving no one behind”. Japan will continue to support UNDP's transformation in the spirit of co-creation by upholding UNDP’s continued digitalization and promoting innovation through the Accelerator Labs.

In addition to the direction of changes beyond 2025, new approaches are required to overcome the world’s complex challenges in an effective way. We are aware that UNDP will soon release a special report on human security entitled “New threats to human security in the Anthropocene”. We welcome UNDP's efforts to prepare and publicize this report. The concept of human security, which aims to take a comprehensive view of multi-faceted crises by focusing on the protection and empowerment of every individual and enhance the coordination and cooperation of the international community, is very useful, and it is important to renew this concept to respond to the changing international situation. In this connection, I would like to ask Mr. Steiner how this report will be utilized to contribute to solving the various issues that the international community is currently facing.

At the present moment, overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic and social impacts is still a pressing issue, but at the same time, climate change-related issues are another urgent and common challenge for all humankind. Japan intends to strengthen its support to developing countries, especially in Asia and the Pacific, to create decarbonized societies by promoting the transition to clean energy while maximizing the introduction of renewable energy. In this connection, at the end of last year, we decided to contribute 131,917,592 U.S. dollars to UNDP, including support for decarbonization and climate change measures. We look forward to realizing this assistance in close cooperation with UNDP, reflecting the needs on the ground.

I thank you.