

Thank you, Mr. President.
I would also like to thank Mr. Haile Menkerios, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, for his in-depth briefing. 
When we talk about cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations in Africa, two of the key concepts are ownership and partnership. We must balance ownership and partnership to maximize each actor’s comparative advantages. The creation of the OAU and later the AU signaled broad regional ownership and consensuses on preventing and resolving conflict. One of the AU’s many important roles is its ability to deploy peace support operations swiftly to harsh environments.
Regarding partnership, the UNOAU has been playing an increased role to support cooperation between the UN and the AU. Both institutions can further develop joint planning and decision making processes, as well as concrete ways to enhance their communication. Secretariat-level cooperation is underway, in response to the Secretary-General’s May report, and regular direct interactions between the Council and the AU PSC are essential in order to tangibly enhance our cooperation.
Japan also notes the interest shown during the recent mission in the possible expansion of joint missions going forward. These could potentially provide valuable insights to both Councils on the situation on the ground.
I would like to emphasize that enhanced partnership is needed not only on Peace Support Operations but also on conflict prevention and mediation, as well as on addressing root causes of conflict. The trilateral collaboration between the Council, the AU, and ECOWAS on Gambia is an excellent example. We also look forward to an expanded conflict prevention role by sub-regional organizations throughout Africa.
During our recent mission, the Council received AU’s keen interest regarding funding in support of Peace Support Operations. This requires further discussion in the Council and the General Assembly as well as continued efforts by the AU.
Thank you, Mr. President.