2017年UN Women執行理事会第二回定期会合における川村大使によるステートメント

Thank you, Mme.Vice-President,
          I would like to thank Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN-Women, for “your” inspiring statement. We congratulate your re-appointment as the Executive Director of UN-Women for a second term of next four years.
(New Strategic Plan)
Mme. President,
          We highly appreciate the transparency of the drafting process of the new Strategic Plan.  We are pleased that it is substantially enriched and well balanced to be a strategic guidance of UN-Women for the coming four years.  Japan therefore would like to endorse it as it stands.
          The most powerful and unique advantage of UN-Women is its composite structure.  We wish for UN-Women to keep playing an active role to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women not only for member states but also across the UN system, in collaboration with the other funds and programmes.
          We consider the five priority areas identified in the Plan all relevant.  Sharing the same visions, Japan is ready to support and advocate for them.
          Especially, we would like to emphasize the importance of women’s contributions to peace-building and resilience as well as their role in crisis prevention and humanitarian actions.  Japan has been steadily contributing for many years in this field.  Our foremost goal is a transformative change so that women should get away from victimization or discriminatory situations and become peace bearers.
          In this regard, I recently witnessed with appreciation that in Guinea-Bissau, a women’s organization has played an effective role as a facilitator of peace process dialogues, and I hope that this kind of good practice would be replicated in other places of the world.
          This Strategic Plan should be results-oriented.  It should therefore be appropriately monitored and reported.  Japan will closely follow how much progress UN-Women is bringing to the daily lives of women.
(Integrated budget)
Mme. Vice-President,
          With regard to the integrated budget estimates, we find it realistic, and we hope that it will be adopted by consensus as well.
          We commend that the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the organization has been improved year by year. We understand that it will take much effort, and we hope that management costs can be further reduced so that more resources will be allocated to development activities.
          We appreciate UN-Women’s operational activities.  But at the same time, we would like to emphasize that their results should be widely visible to the public.  I believe this will lead to UN-Women gaining more confidence and trust from donor-contributors and taxpayers.
          Lastly, we would like to reiterate our request for UN-Women to continue to elaborate and review its strategy to make its donor base more robust and sustainable.
          Before I conclude, I would like to mention one of our own initiatives.  Our Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold the fourth “World Assembly for Women (WAW!)” in Tokyo this fall.  Based on the outcomes and review processes of the past three assemblies, we would like to, once again, make use of this international forum to further deepen our discussion on the challenges that women actually face.  We are looking forward to welcoming guests and participants coming from all over the world.

          I thank you, Mme. Vice-President.