
 (As delivered)

 Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
As a state party to the CRPD, and in view of implementing Sustainable Development Goals, I would like to update Japan’s international engagements on the following three points.
Firstly, Japan ratified the Marrakesh Treaty in October 2018 with the Treaty going into effect in January of this year.  Through the ratification this treaty, Japan wishes to contribute further to promote international cooperation and expand accessibility of domestic and international publications for persons with disabilities.
Secondly, Japan continues to place great importance on international cooperation.
In 2018, we delivered a total of 38 projects in areas such as development of rehabilitation facilities. We also honored 14 training workshops to promote inclusive societies with 137 trainees from the rest of the world and dispatched 92 experts through the Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA.
Thirdly, The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games will take place next year. With the expected participation of the largest-ever number of countries and regions in the Games to date, the Paralympic Games provides us with opportunities to move our society towards full inclusion.
For example, the Government has set benchmarks which should be achieved by the fiscal 2020 such as: Passenger facilities which handle more than 3000 passengers a day must be equipped barrier-free facilities and major roads must achieve the target of 100% barrier-free access.
Activities are also undergone in local communities. The “Inclusive Society Host Town” project encourages local retailers to renovate their shops for full accessibility, and encourages communities to team up with Para-athletes and persons with disabilities for community projects such as redesigning barrier-free local maps.
As the host country of the next Paralympic Games, the Government of Japan welcomes the new agenda of “Inclusion of persons with disabilities in society through participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sports.” Japan will continue to work to realize a harmonious and inclusive society where everyone can enjoy active lives regardless of the presence or absence of disabilities.
I thank you.