
(As delivered)

Madam President,
          I would like to begin by expressing my appreciation to Mr. Mohamed Khaled Khiari for his briefing. I also would like to commend the United States for this timely initiative to focus on denuclearization and ballistic missile launches by North Korea. 
Madam President,
          North Korea has launched more than 20 ballistic missiles this year. As a number of Council members have emphasized today, such launches, regardless of their ranges, are in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions. Japan believes that this is the right timing that the Council resumes its discussion on those activities that cannot be overlooked.
          In pursuit of upholding peace and security in the region and beyond, I cannot emphasize enough that it is extremely important to realize the dismantlement of all of North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner in accordance with the resolutions unanimously adopted by this esteemed Council. 
          Japan continues to support the United States’ efforts in this regard, including the diplomatic process between the United States and North Korea. As support for this process is critical, Japan finds it encouraging to have heard today that all participants shared the similar view. Japan strongly hopes that the voices from this Chamber will be heard.
          It should also be reminded that it is the obligation of all Member States to fully implement relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. Japan believes that the unified effort by the international community will provide additional support for the diplomatic process to move forward. 
Madam President,
            The series of North Korea’s launches of ballistic missiles are a serious challenge not only to Japan, but to the entire international community.
            Those provocations have taken place while the United States has repeatedly called for the resumption of talks.   
Madam President,
            It is important that the agreement of both leaders, including the commitment by North Korea, towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, is fully and expeditiously implemented as set out in the Joint Statement of the U.S.-North Korea Summit meeting.
           Japan seeks to normalize its relations with North Korea, in accordance with the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration, through comprehensively resolving outstanding issues of concern such as the abductions, nuclear and missile issues as well as settlement of the unfortunate past. This policy remains unchanged. Prime Minister Abe has publicly stated his determination to meet Chairman Kim Jong-Un face to face without any condition.
          In conclusion, Japan continues to strongly urge North Korea to heed the messages from this Council. North Korea needs not only to refrain from further provocations in violation of Council resolutions, including launches that use ballistic missile technology, but also to take concrete action towards its  denuclearization. 
           Japan calls upon North Korea to choose a path to a bright future. Japan will continue to cooperate closely with the international community, and hopes that the North Korean issue will continue to be appropriately addressed by this Council. 
Thank you.