

Mr. President,

Japan highly commends the work of the IAEA and Director General Grossi’s strong leadership to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and non-proliferation.

Mr. President,

Peaceful use of nuclear energy is becoming increasingly important as a response to global issues such as climate change and in the context of achieving the SDGs. Japan supports and provides contributions to the Agency’s activities regarding the promotion of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including significant initiatives by the Director General in the fields of zoonotic diseases, marine plastic pollution and cancer care.

The role of the IAEA is also critically important in addressing key problems faced by the international non-proliferation regime. IAEA safeguards are the most fundamental instrument for the regime, and Japan strongly supports the IAEA’s work to make these safeguards more efficient and effective.

Mr. President,

 I would like to take this opportunity to touch upon some of the most pressing issues facing the international non-proliferation regime today.

North Korea's nuclear and missile programs pose a serious challenge to the international non-proliferation regime and are totally unacceptable. Japan strongly urges North Korea to take concrete steps towards the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles of all ranges and related programs.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize the critical importance for all States to fully implement relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. I also stress that the denuclearization of North Korea requires robust verification. Japan highly commends the Agency’s continued work in enhancing its ability and readiness to verify North Korea’s nuclear program.

With regard to Iran's nuclear-related activities, Japan is seriously concerned about the expansion of Iran’s nuclear activities, and has been urging Iran to take constructive measures including the full and unconditional cooperation under the Joint Statement between Iran and the IAEA.

Japan remains gravely concerned with regard to the situation of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Russia’s military activities in and around nuclear power plants and other facilities in Ukraine cannot be tolerated. Japan commends the continuous efforts of the Agency to secure nuclear safety and security in Ukraine, including the permanent presence of IAEA experts.
Mr. President,
Lastly, the IAEA has a unique mandate to establish international standards of safety regarding effects on health and the environment in the nuclear sector. Japan has been and will be explaining to the international community about the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea based on scientific evidence in a highly transparent manner.