
Mr. President,
I would like to thank the Russian Federation for convening this debate commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS).
Japan promotes the WPS Agenda as an important pillar of its international gender policy. As a staunch supporter of the human security concept, Japan appreciates that today’s meeting focuses on the “implementation” of the WPS agenda. Debating in the UN amounts to very little if it does not result in positive changes on the ground and delivering better to those in need.
Mr. President,
Allow me to explain the concrete actions by Japan to implement its national action plan as required by the WPS resolutions, in the following four areas: participation, conflict prevention, protection, and humanitarian relief and recovery.
First, on participation. In collaboration with UN-Women and bilaterally through JICA, Japan supports developing countries’ initiatives to improve women’s participation in conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Under the G7 WPS Partnership Initiative, Japan supports Sri Lanka through UN-Women to promote women’s participation in national reconciliation and peacebuilding, including the development of the National Action Plan.
Second, on conflict prevention with gender perspectives as well as addressing gender-based and sexual violence against women under conflicts. Japan will continue to support the work of the UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict in the areas of criminal investigation and prosecution, legislative reform and capacity building of judicial and security authorities.
Third, on protection for women and girls in and after conflicts. Japan will work closely with UN-Women, UNFPA, the Secretariat of UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict, among others, to respond to the special needs of women and girls, including physical, psycho-social, economic and judicial protection. This year, Japan contributed 2 million Euros to the Global Fund for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.
Fourth, on humanitarian relief and recovery. Since 2018, Japan has been serving as the champion of UN-Women’s flagship programme initiative “Women’s LEAP (Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection) in Crisis Response”. In 2019, Japan contributed approximately 8.8 million USD to support projects in Asia, Africa and the Middle East under this initiative.
Mr. President,
I wish to underscore two points that are crucial to realizing effective implementation of the WPS agenda by various actors engaged in delivering assistance on the ground, including UN agencies, bilateral donors, local and international NGOs, among others. The foremost is the principle of national ownership. The second is information sharing among all the actors and coherent actions by all. UN-Women and the SRSG-SVC should play a leading role in this respect. Japan also believes the Peacebuilding Commission could make use of its convening power to provide a thematic platform on this issue and bring together all relevant actors in the UN system and beyond.
To conclude, let me emphasize that Japan stands ready to support the UN’s efforts to strengthen its role on WPS.