

Madam President,
I would like to express my appreciation to you for convening this important annual debate on women, peace and security with a focus on women’s resilience and leadership.  I thank the Deputy Secretary-General, the Executive Director of UN Women, and the civil society representatives for their briefings.
Madam President,
Achieving sustainable peace and resilience in conflict-affected countries requires comprehensive and context-specific measures that ensure the human security of every individual.  With this in mind, Japan has placed the support for women’s resilience and leadership at the core of its second national action plan on WPS, in which 79 Actions to this end are listed, such as supporting women to participate and take leadership and active roles in formal and informal peace negotiations and in the decision-making of peacebuilding processes.
These Actions have been reflected in the assistance on the ground.  For example, Japan has continued supporting a UN Women-led project in Afghanistan to enhance the resilience and leadership of internally displaced and conflict-affected women and civil society stakeholders.  Livelihood skills training enabled women to launch their community-based essential economic activities.  At the same time, leadership training was provided to women CSOs working for enhanced resilience.  Japan also supported another UN Women-led multi-partner project in the Lake Chad region in Cameroon and Nigeria, which successfully concluded last year.  This project provided agricultural skills training to women who were affected by Boko Haram.  Leadership training was also provided to civil society stakeholders to prevent violent extremism.  As evident from these examples, women’s resilience and leadership can be effectively pursued in tandem.  
Madam President,

Since 2014, Japan has hosted five iterations of the World Assembly on Women in Tokyo, where world and national leaders in various fields have discussed gender equality and women’s empowerment.  WPS has always been a key agenda item of WAW!, with in-depth discussion.  After the COVID hiatus, the sixth WAW! is coming back on December the 3rd in Tokyo, with “Women’s participation in peace and security” featured in the conference.  I trust this will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen partnerships and accelerate actions for the shared mission among the Member States and other various stakeholders.
Madam President,

We are not short of ideas.  It is the actions that are required in enhancing women’s reliance and leadership in a sustainable manner.  Japan looks forward to becoming an even more integral part of the implementation of the WPS agenda at the Security Council.
I thank you.