

I thank SRSG Catriona Laing and SRCC El-Amine Souef for their informative briefings. I also would like to welcome the presence of the representative of Somalia.

Let me start by paying tribute to all the personnel of ATMIS and the Somali Security Forces for their sacrifice to achieve peace and stability in Somalia and the region. The successful completion of the first phase of the ATMIS drawdown illustrates the strong political will of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to implement the planned security transition, and we all welcome it.  

It is a daunting task to continue effective offensive operations against the strongholds of Al-Shabaab in remote areas while, at the same time, consolidating the Government’s security control in newly liberated areas. A comprehensive security review for the population centers surrounding Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) is an important exercise to avoid any vulnerabilities that can be exploited by Al-Shabaab. Thus, we understand the necessity of the three months technical pause of the ATMIS drawdown Phase 2 requested by the FGS as a reorganization period.

Degrading Al-Shabaab and preventing any recurrence of its intrusion into Somali society requires a long-term endeavor based on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. The extension of state authority should come from good governance with the assurance of safety and better social welfare for Somalia’s people. This is especially true given that the country is being battered by multiple challenges including severe climate shocks. Reliable delivery of basic services will help garner the trust of the population, which will be vital for sustainable stability.  

Here, developing sufficient security forces is of the utmost importance, and for that purpose, acceleration of Security Sector Reform (SSR) is a priority. We commend the neighboring Troop Contributing Countries to ATMIS for their continued support to Somali force generation. An enhanced presence of Somali security forces is required including to cover IDP camps adjacent to ATMIS FOBs and provide humanitarian access to the vulnerable.

We must also focus on socio-economic development through capacity-building, especially to provide the Somali youth with future prospects that can keep them from becoming involved with armed groups and illegal activities. Japan, on its part, provided support to local organizations to help young entrepreneurs for exploring business potentials to increase employment opportunities for the youth.  

A successful transition in Somalia is essential for peace and stability in the entire region. It requires continued support by the international community.  Japan remains committed to this collective effort.

I thank you.