
(as delivered)
Thank you, Mr. President.
I thank SRSG Bathily for his briefing.
Let me begin by expressing Japan’s deep condolences to those who lost their loved ones in the floods in eastern Libya last month. Japan commends the solidarity shown by people across Libya and welcomes the international community’s prompt humanitarian response. Immediately after the disaster, Japan provided food assistance as well as emergency relief goods to those affected. In addition, earlier this month, Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid amounting to 3 million US dollars through international organizations.
National unity and solidarity will be required more than ever in the reconstruction phase. This is especially crucial for the political leaders and public institutions. Japan takes note with concern of the recent statement by UNSMIL about the emergence of unilateral and competing initiatives from Libyan actors and institutions. We welcome the SRSG’s call to establish a unified and coordinated Libyan national mechanism to direct the recovery and reconstruction efforts.
Mr. President,
We repeat a strong call for the holding of national presidential and parliamentary elections across Libya at the earliest possible time. Elections are the only way to restore the legitimacy of the country’s institutions. The Council must clearly show its continuous support to the SRSG by unanimously adopting a strong resolution at the end of this month. Japan is committed to constructively engaging in the upcoming negotiations.
Japan also takes note of the efforts of the 6+6 Joint Committee in drafting electoral laws. While Japan respects the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned process, the solutions must be consensual and implementable to ensure a smooth electoral process.
On the security track, Japan is concerned about the clashes in Benghazi on 6 October. Japan reiterates its call on Libyan parties to continue to implement the ceasefire agreement in full, including the withdrawal of foreign forces, foreign fighters, and mercenaries.
We encourage the 5+5 Joint Military Commission to further the reunification of military and security institutions. We also welcome its effort to create a conducive environment for holding free and fair elections.
To conclude, I would like to reaffirm my country’s commitment to the support of the Libyan people at this crucial juncture.
I thank you.