

Thank you, President, for convening this High-Level Plenary Meeting today.
We commend the unwavering efforts of Kazakhstan in bringing this important subject to the attention of international community.
Japan aligns itself with the statement delivered by Australia on behalf of Friends of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).
The global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime faces significant challenges.
Increasing divisions within the international community, Russia’s threat to use nuclear weapons, and North Korea’s continued nuclear program underscore the pressing need for the international community to intensify its efforts in revitalizing momentum for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

We firmly uphold the view that no nation should carry out any nuclear test explosion. We condemn any attempts to do so. Eliminating nuclear testing once and for all will bring us closer to our goal of achieving a world without nuclear weapons.
Bringing the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty into force remains our urgent priority. A legally binding, universal, and verifiable ban on any nuclear explosions will inhibit the proliferation, development, and qualitative improvement of nuclear weapons.
Japan welcomes the recent ratifications of the Treaty by Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, Solomon Islands, and Sri Lanka. We also applaud the tireless efforts of the Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Dr. Robert Floyd, to pursue further ratifications.
However, we cannot take the norm against nuclear testing for granted until it is legally binding. Japan urges all states, particularly the remaining States listed in Annex 2, to sign and ratify the Treaty. Pending its entry into force, Japan urges all relevant states to declare or maintain existing moratoriums on nuclear weapon test explosions or any other test explosions. 

Japan underscores the essential role of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission in detecting and reporting suspected nuclear explosions worldwide. Over 20 years of consistent development of a reliable International Monitoring System have served as an effective deterrence against nuclear testing.
We can attain further substantial progress through resolute political determination. This is the reason Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio hosted the High-Level Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT last September, advocating for stronger political commitment to bolster the Treaty and its verification regime and to expedite its entry. 
We recall our condemnation of the six nuclear tests conducted by the DPRK since 2006 and strongly urge the DPRK to fully comply with all relevant Security Council resolutions, and to take concrete actions towards the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of its nuclear weapons-related programs. The DPRK should sign and ratify the CTBT as a matter of priority.

The 13th Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT, scheduled for September, will offer another significant opportunity to take additional concrete measures to advance the universalization of the Treaty.
Japan, in cooperation with all those who aspire to realize a world without nuclear weapons, will contribute constructively to the fruitful discussions of the Conference.

I thank you.