

(As delivered)
Madam President,
Japan welcomes the united message of the Security Council.
I thank Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland and Dr. James Zogby for their briefings.
We regret that the situation in Israel and Palestine remains volatile due to provocative rhetoric, unilateral actions, and violence. Japan is seriously concerned over the deteriorating security situation on the ground, as exemplified by the recent clashes in and around Jenin. We strongly condemn the terrorist attack on June 20 that killed four Israelis in the West Bank, as well as the subsequent violence by settlers against Palestinians. Japan is alarmed by the possible recurrence of such events during the Eid Al-Adha holidays.
Madam President,
Japan is seriously concerned by Israel’s announcement regarding its decision to advance planning for the building of more than 4,000 new units on June 19 as well as 1,000 units on June 21 at the Eli settlement. Settlement activities are in violation of international law, constitute a serious obstacle to peace, and undermine the viability of a two-state solution. We once again call on Israel to cease settlement activities immediately.
Japan recalls the importance of the Joint Communiqués in Aqaba and Sharm al-Sheikh as an outcome of serious efforts to calm tensions. We strongly call on all the parties concerned to take concrete steps to ensure de-escalation. In particular, both Israel and Palestine need to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any inflammatory words or actions.
Taking this occasion I would like to draw the Council’s attention to the funding crisis faced by UNRWA. Commissioner-General Mr. Philippe Lazzarini has warned that by September, just over two months away, UNRWA will exhaust its funds and will no longer be able to provide core services and vital aid on which more than 5.9 million registered Palestine refugees depend. Japan, in 2023 so far, we have contributed a total of 40.1 million US dollars. UNRWA is key to regional peace and stability, and we urge our fellow Member States to provide the necessary donations to make sure the Agency is fully funded.
Once again we underscore that ultimately, the only way to resolve this conflict is through direct dialogue between the parties leading to a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security. We welcome and encourage all international efforts seeking to create a suitable environment for such dialogue.
I thank you.