
Mr. President,
I would like to begin by thanking France for convening this important meeting. I thank also the Secretary-General and his Special Representative for the report on children and armed conflict.
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention of the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict and the fifteenth anniversary of the landmark Security Council Resolution 1612 that instituted the monitoring and reporting mechanism on grave violations against children in armed conflicts. Despite the continued resolve of the Council, it is regrettable that children affected by armed conflict continue to experience grave violations and abuses. Japan urges all parties to armed conflict to fully comply with the obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law and relevant Security Council resolutions.
Currently, COVID-19 is causing a serious human security crisis, spreading across borders and striking the most vulnerable segments of society, in particular, children in armed conflict. Japan is alarmed by the lost opportunity for their education, increased risks of their recruitment and use, and further delay of their release. Japan strongly urges all parties to armed conflicts to immediately respond to the Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire and ensure safe, timely and unimpeded humanitarian access to children affected by conflict. In March, Japan provided emergency assistance of 28.8 million USD through UNICEF to assist developing countries prone to the impact of COVID-19, including those affected by conflict, to improve children’s access to quality health services. In April, Japan decided on an additional contribution of over 68.1 million USD to UNICEF.
Mr. President,
Human security implies that all individuals, in particular vulnerable people including children, are entitled to freedom from fear and freedom from want, with an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights and fully develop their potential. Under prolonged crisis caused by armed conflicts, children are deprived of all this.
As one of the largest contributing countries, Japan cooperates with UNICEF to protect children who fled their homes in Syria and Myanmar. Japan also enhances a child-friendly justice system and a gender sensitive social welfare system in Yemen. Furthermore, as the largest donor to the humanitarian window of the Fund to End Violence against Children, Japan has provided substantial assistance for children affected by armed conflict in African counties. Over 1,900 children were released from Boko Haram and military detention facilities, over 70,000 children and caregivers received psychosocial support and over 42,600 were given mine risk education. Japan calls upon other Member States to join in this endeavor.
Mr. President,
Japan is determined to make every effort to achieve the target 16.2 of the SDGs, namely to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children, and to realize human security for all children. Japan renews its unwavering commitment to the protection and promotion of children’s rights, and looks forward to working closely with the United Nations.
Thank you.