
I would like to thank UNDP Administrator, Mr. Achim Steiner, for his remarks and outstanding leadership. I would also like to pay tribute to all UNDP staff who, despite many challenges, strive to strengthen the rule of law, human rights, justice and security around the world.
(Japan-UNDP partnership in the field of the rule of law)
Together with UNDP, Japan has long supported the rule of law and human rights, including in conflict-affected and fragile situations, such as in Afghanistan and South Sudan. Our partnership with the UNDP Global Programme has buoyed, particularly in the last four years, with significant contribution from the Ministry of Justice of Japan.
(Global challenges and human security)
Today, society faces multiple and complex global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, conflicts, and rapid digitalization. As highlighted by UNDP’s Special Human Development Report, addressing these issues requires a holistic approach through a human security lens. In this context, I would like to stress three priorities in pursuing our partnership with the UNDP Global Programme.
(Rule of Law)
First, the promotion of the universal value of the rule of law, which, together with the underlying culture of lawfulness, is a prerequisite to a safe and secure society.
Japan will continue to lead international cooperation in this field, with particular emphasis on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration adopted at the 14th UN Crime Conference held last year.
Japan also welcomes the coordinated One UN approach to the rule of law through the work of the Global Focal Point.
(People-Centered Justice)
Second is the promotion of people-centered justice as the basis for peace and sustainable development.
In many places around the world, people who need justice the most remain the furthest from it.  Japan has provided legal technical assistance to Asian countries for more than 25 years.  Helping our friends reform civil justice, for example, has proven critically important for realizing people's socio-economic rights.  We will continue to share our successes and lessons learnt, including through collaboration with the UNDP’s Justice Futures CoLab.
In this regard, Japan also welcomes the work of the Justice Action Coalition, which is being led by the Government of the Netherlands in collaboration with the UNDP Global Programme.
(Human Rights)
The third priority is the promotion of respect for human rights.
Respect for human rights is the foundation of democracy. People must be able to make freely their own choices.  “Agency,” as stressed in the UNDP’s Special Report, is the key. The culture of respect for human rights can take root only when it is grounded in the society, firmly supported by the local population and duly observed by the authorities. The role of UNDP in this regard is all the more important.
Recognizing the importance of multi-stakeholder commitment in this area, Japan launched its National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in 2020, and contributed 6.3 million USD to the Global Programme for its global Business and Human Rights project this year. Last Friday, we saw the successful global launch of this project with many participants from the private sector. We look forward to the concrete results this project will achieve.
The rule of law, justice, security, and human rights are all aspirations inscribed in the United Nations Charter. The success of this Global Programme is therefore extremely important for improving confidence in the UN system as a whole. Japan will continue to support these critical values with UNDP and our partners.
I thank you.