
(Check against delivery)
Mr. President,
Japan welcomes the adoption of this resolution with consensus, which we consider to be a step forward in enhancing the role of the General Assembly and thereby strengthening the United Nations.
The recent veto by Russia made the United Nations look as if it were something irrelevant. It is not.
The Security Council, like the United Nations as a whole, is far from flawless. However, pending a reform of the Security Council, we have to make use of it. And this resolution can be a good tool to that end. Japan commends Liechtenstein for its tireless work and is honored to co-sponsor the resolution.
From now on, vetoes cannot go without explanation to the entire UN membership in General Assembly meetings to be convened either under this resolution or under the Uniting for Peace resolution.
The permanent members of the Security Council could also embrace this resolution and recognize that they must face a higher level of accountability commensurate with their heavier responsibilities.
Mr. President,
Japan also supports several other important veto-related initiatives, such as the French-Mexican Political Declaration on Suspension of Veto Powers in Cases of Mass Atrocity, as well as the Code of Conduct proposed by the Accountability, Coherence and Transparency Group.
But Japan believes we must go even further to make the United Nations more effective. We should advance the discussion on the reform of the Security Council in the Intergovernmental Negotiation. Indeed, Japan is happy to engage with Member States on any ideas to strengthen the United Nations.
I thank you, Mr. President.
Japan welcomes the adoption of this resolution with consensus, which we consider to be a step forward in enhancing the role of the General Assembly and thereby strengthening the United Nations.
The recent veto by Russia made the United Nations look as if it were something irrelevant. It is not.
The Security Council, like the United Nations as a whole, is far from flawless. However, pending a reform of the Security Council, we have to make use of it. And this resolution can be a good tool to that end. Japan commends Liechtenstein for its tireless work and is honored to co-sponsor the resolution.
From now on, vetoes cannot go without explanation to the entire UN membership in General Assembly meetings to be convened either under this resolution or under the Uniting for Peace resolution.
The permanent members of the Security Council could also embrace this resolution and recognize that they must face a higher level of accountability commensurate with their heavier responsibilities.
Mr. President,
Japan also supports several other important veto-related initiatives, such as the French-Mexican Political Declaration on Suspension of Veto Powers in Cases of Mass Atrocity, as well as the Code of Conduct proposed by the Accountability, Coherence and Transparency Group.
But Japan believes we must go even further to make the United Nations more effective. We should advance the discussion on the reform of the Security Council in the Intergovernmental Negotiation. Indeed, Japan is happy to engage with Member States on any ideas to strengthen the United Nations.
I thank you, Mr. President.